Fortune is in the Follow Up: Why you need to chase clients

Fortune is in the Follow Up: Why you need to chase photography clients. Understand your role when I comes to makes sales and bookings, and learn to follow up.
Look, I get it. It takes a lot of guts to approach someone and offer your services. There is so much worry and fear of rejection, that often we just sit and hope for clients to come to us.
And sometimes they do...  But business is a numbers game. If you want to actively grow your business, you need to take it into your own hands and find clients. If you simply sit and wait for them to come, your career will build up real slow, if at all.
So you go out there and you offer your services. And that is brave, and thrilling, and exciting, and also terrifying. And then when people don't respond you decide to assume that whatever shortcoming or fear you have about you or your business is the reason why.
Well, I'm here to tell you that the reason why has nothing to do with you. It's not personal! People get busy, people get distracted, people have worries and busy lives, and kids, and activities.... So when people don't respond it's not because your work is shit, or because you said the wrong thing, or because your price is too high.... Or maybe it is, but how will you know and then use this to improve if you don't ask?
So follow up. Follow up until you know exactly why. Chances are people want your services and just got busy.... And if there is another reason, this is a great opportunity to know what that is, and grow your business from that lesson.
Every no gets you closer to a yes. Fortune is in the follow up.
But what if you follow up and get rejection?
Running a business is a numbers game. The numbers vary but the formula is simple. You need X times the client enquiries to end up with a fraction of the bookings. Or, for every client you DO book, there is another 5-10 who don't.
Simply put, you can't book every single potential client that comes through the door.
But what you CAN do is learn from every single client interaction.
you are ALWAYS bound to get clients who say no, who flake out, who enquire but decide to go elsewhere, that is normal. But having those clients means you are getting closer to a yes. For every few that say no, there are a few more out there who might say yes. And the clients who deny you, are simply giving you clues to where you went wrong, or why you weren't a fit.
Don't be afraid to ask people why they decided to go elsewhere, if you lost them as a client, why not gain some insight from the experience?

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