Manila was a strange place

I have this weird rule about visiting a country’s capital city before I explore the rest. Maybe it is only because I am a self center Porteña (from Buenos Aires, Argentina), but so far it has served me well.

Truth is, i didn’t love Manila, I mean its a big overpopulated polluted city, but this doesn’t mean I didnt ejoy my time there. A true Philippino will tell you “you haven’t seen The Philippines until you leave Manila” but I think the city can give you a real appreciation for the islands, the culture, and the history of a country soaked in Spanish and Asian history.

But this city holds a special place in my heart

It is the first city I’ve ever Couch-surfed (pre AirBnB era), and experienced being hosted by a local in a foreign country. I think if it wasn’t for this, I would have hated this city.

But my host took me to her favourite places, and most importantly we got around exclusively on public transportation (jeepneys have to be my most favourite form of transportation in all of South East Asia), something I wouldn’t have dared to do on my own (their system is only understandable to locals, I swear).

So this is what I can say about my experience in Manila

It’s dirty, and loud, and the feeling of safety changes quick, from one block to the next. But the people are absolutely beautiful and welcoming, and the churches and Spanish infused backdrops make this South East Asian capital very different than any other.

I think being able to survive the rush hour traffic experience of getting on a train heading back to Makati, pretty much means you can do ANYTHING in life. If the heat doesn’t kill you, and the thousands of people pushing to get it don’t trample you, nothing can touch you. Really.

In Manila (well in the whole country) they don’t really believe in vegetarians, everyone speaks perfect English, and they think my septum piercing is really funny. There is parts of Manila that will look like Italy, and others that will look like nothing else, the city is nothing special, and it is everything special at the same time.

I do feel I wasn’t able to convey Manila in photos as well as some other places through out my travels. I don’t think this is because the city didn’t have much to offer, but because it was the beginning of my trip, and I wasn’t that comfortable with showing off my camera around (considering that when I did, i was surrounded by curious people).

I didn’t shoot much, but I experienced a lot. There is so much that I wish I photographed (like the one night I ended up doing karaoke until 5am with my Italian “roommate” and a beautiful group of locals who welcomed us to their table to celebrate my friend’s birthday) but I guess that means two things:

1. I was having too much fun

2. I will have to go back some day

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