Client: Creative

Shoot purpose: Lauren and I met in early 2021 through friends in common. I think we both brought up the idea of shooting together around the same time. She was heading soon to Europe so we just picked a location and went for it with no plan. Sometimes this is my favourite way to shoot, which of course is hard to do with client work, so I approach creatives this way often. No concept, no pre planning, just flowing with the creativity.

Details: Lauren is a pro in front of the camera, so as soon as we figured out the location we just started moving around and creating different feels. We shot on a beach club in Uluwatu, Bali so we had access to the pool, beach, and cliffside backdrop. We actually shot both digital and film, and used three different cameras for film. A Contax t2, medium format Pentax, and a Compact Lomography. We were working with harsh noon sunlight which isn't usually my first choice but it was fun to play with.

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