What every photographer should consider when designing their website

For professional photographers, things to consider when building a website. SEO, portfolio, blog, navigation, your contact info, and about you.

Okay, so you understand the importance of having a website as a photographer and now you’re trying to create your own – but where do you even begin? 

In this blog post we’ll cover all the different things every photographer should consider when designing their website!
Curating your work 
When you create a new website, you want to think about what your dream client wants to see. What do they want to see when they land on your page, and what's going to make them go, “Wow! This is the person I'm looking for”?
My advice is to only include your best work, and not to have too many images! If potential clients want to see more, they should be able to click on sub-sections, or maybe, prompt them to reach out to you and ask you for a specific portfolio on your contact page. 
Never waste their precious time by throwing out too much work out there where they can't easily see what they're looking for. 
Easy to navigate 
Always remember that you only get a few seconds of a potential client's attention. Don't waste it with a confusing layout that’s hard to navigate!
Something that you should keep in mind is that it should take less than three clicks to get anywhere on your website. So when you’re in any of your subcategories, it should be very easy to just click back to your main menu.
Have an “about me” page
Your website is not only a place for potential clients to browse your work, but also somewhere they can learn more about you. 
That’s why your website should have an “about me” page where they can read about you and resonate with your story, so clients can see whether they can trust you.
This page is also the section where you sell yourself! That is all of you – your career, your achievements, your background, what you've done, your interests, etc. 
Sometimes it's easier to get somebody else to write this for you if you have a hard time selling yourself. But don’t ever neglect your “about you” page! This is the one place you have a chance to sell yourself, so don’t waste it.
Website SEO
SEO stands for search engine optimization. For example, when somebody searches for wedding photographers in your area, if you have strong SEO on your website and a strong online presence, you’ll be bumped to the top of the results page. 
SEO is something that’s really advanced and will cost you money to hire someone professional to do it for you, but it’s worth considering down the line.
There are a few easy things you can do on your website to help boost your SEO, such as giving your website a title and a subtitle, and giving each page a name that relates to the page, plus a little description. 
Writing a blog 
If you want to build authority in your niche, consider writing a blog, which also gives value to your clients.
You can come up with 20 to 30 different topics, or you can talk about that specific theme related to your niche, then turn them into blog posts. Blogging tells people that you know what you're talking about, making you a trusted expert! 
You're also building your SEO, because if it’s attached to your website, people searching for anything related to your niche will come across your blog. 
It's a great way to attract more clients from a different angle. However this is a bonus step, and something you might want to consider doing in a year or two, when you’ve already established your website and social media.
Always remember your goal
Remember that your main goal is always to make sales. To do that, you need to make your website as clear, concise, and as easy to navigate as possible, so people can easily get in touch with you and hire you. 
As we’ve mentioned, there are other things to consider of course, but you should always connect your design choices back to your main goal!

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